Olive Harvest

The Olive Harvest

2018-09-15T15:43:03+00:00August 26th, 2018|Categories: Olive Harvest|Tags: |

This is a short story from a childhood in Palestine. We can relive the simple, pastoral and distinctly Palestinian village life through the tastes, smells and sights of olive trees and their gifts. Olive trees have always held a special place in my heart and my memories. The olive tree itself, as well as the [...]

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Remembrances of olive oil:  In the beginning there was olive oil

2018-09-16T01:24:21+00:00August 25th, 2018|Categories: Olive Harvest|

I am sure olive oil was the first thing I felt and maybe smelt the minute I was born. Khayeh Boer, the Jewish midwife who helped my mother deliver me, took me directly and rubbed olive oil into my skin as was the custom throughout our land. The olive tree is an evergreen tree that [...]

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