Submit My Zatoun Story
Supporters and customers feel very strongly about Zatoun. Everyone has a Zatoun story – like the one when the newborn’s head was crowning and the midwife asked for olive oil and she was handed Zatoun to help the child come through into our world. May be not all stories are so dramatic but they are still worth sharing.
Please share your Zatoun story – it can be anything with reference to Zatoun:
- the products (taste, quality, value, etc)
- why you buy Zatoun, what it means for you, etc.
- how you have used Zatoun in your home OR in your community OR in your activist/solidarity work
- experience dealing with Zatoun, the organization
Really, anything you think you want to communicate with the Zatoun community. It does not need to be lengthy;a single paragraph is fine – can be less or can be more – or write a whole page.
Thank you for submitting your story as it is exactly what is needed to build shared experience, vision and action.
When providing your name, please indicate if you wish only initials be used.